Today's demo is "Unbeliever." Once again, this demo can be found at
This demo has one screen, which is a picture of a lightning bolt striking a mountain. There are some grassy hills in the background and even more mountains farther out. There's something about this that reminds me of Altered Beast, only made by an 8-bit system.
"Credits:" is the first word that scrolls by. Despite this, it's followed by a sentence telling us that the cover of the book "Lord Fouls Bane" was painted by someone named Inferno. I'm not sure that they get what the word credits mean. Anyway, this is apparently referring to the above picture and was done for the Swedish Cracking Crew.
The music is from W.A.R. and made by someone named Rob Hubbard, and as a treat, you can choose between 8 different songs by pressing a number key. I wish more demos had that option. Without ending the sentence to move to a new thought, we are informed that all programming, snatching, and scrolltext was done by someone named Covenant. After an ellipse, we're disappoined to learn that there will be no greetings to all the other hackers. Well, there is a salute to a magic music wizard named yip. This person is so important that his or her name is surrounded by several tildes. Anyway, yip is a part of purebyte. Yip is encouraged to keep on progressing.
Next, we learn that SCC is sorry for the last scrolltext. Aww, it was just an off day for you guys. The author tells us that he or she was mad at something political. DAMN CROOKED SWEDISH POLITICIANS! That's ok, because we're now told to look out for the next intro called Input. This will be the biggest intro ever seen on a C64. I can't wait to see it.
SCC quotes Obi Won Kenobi (you know the line) before giving it's copyright. SCC brags that it's still the best software dealer. Yeah, that's it. "Dealer." I can see the air quotes now.
We get a p.s. It's a message to someone who's apparently small, stupid, and ugly. OUCH! SCC calls them a cracking group, but they include a question mark. That's got to hurt. The small, stupid, ugly group is called computerbrains, and I wouldn't want to be them right now. They are told that they had nice animation in "f***games", and cp-brains is asked if they been practicing. I don't know what f***games is, but I can tell that this is a cutting remark somehow.
Date - 1986
Scrolling text - standard. Capital letters not allowed.
Font - Flashes between white, blue, and yellow.
Europeans - Yep.
Bragging about Accomplishments - Yep.
Putting other hackers down - Yep.
Listing a ton of other nerds - Nope.
Harsh language - yes, one word of the f variety
Song - 9/10. Just for having so many options. I like 8 the most.
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