There it is. As you can see it's divided into many sections. Let's take a look at a few close-ups.
I apologize for the blurry pic. Anyway, Hardees once had a promotion where you could buy a pin with a Superbowl on it. This was just before Superbowl 25. The first Hardees they had this deal at just gave you a pin at random, but later we found a Hardees where you could pick the individual pin you wanted. I actually wore the two Redskins Superbowl to school when we were out of uniform for a day.
You probably can't see it but the Superbowl 25 pin just has an advertisement for Diet Coke. Heck, it was probably available in larger quantities but I can't remember since we gave all our extra pins away.
Under the Superbowl pins is a pin I got after the Redskins won Superbowl 26. Sadly, Dallas won several Superbowls afterwards so I don't think I could stomach any pins past 26.
To the left of that is my "science" pin. It's blurry, so let me just say that it's a piece of paper with a quill on top of it that says science. In my freshman year, we had to do a dumb thesis for my honors biology class. After we were done we got this pin to wear. Around the time, students were wearing pins on their blazers, and I wore this for a while, even though it was kind of lame compared to honors pins.
To the right of that is three San Francisco pins. They all feature trollies. Below the middle one is a criminal from Alcatraz. He has a ball and chain on his leg.
Several other pins have trains or TCU on them. My dad works for Amtrak and is involved with their union so he gave me a few of these pins. At the bottom is a Chicago pin, which he got from a trip there. That was a trip that he went on but we stayed home for.
There's also a Simpsons pin and a Star Trek pin.
The second picture is blurry. Sorry about that. It has the collection of state pins I mentioned in yesterday's post. I only got about 8 before they started over, and only got one from the newer collection. The Maryland one is oddly shaped. It's as if someone squished it from the sides. I have Delaware and Virginia because they were important to me. The others include Maine, Alabama, and California, which is weird because I eventually had some online friends from those states. No New York or Illinois pins, though.
I guess I shouldn't have used the zoom feature. Anyway, here are several Christmas pins, including the "I believe in Santa" pin. I wore that proudly one year around that time.
Above that are a couple state flags, another collection that ended before I really got started. They didn't have Maryland or Delaware, so I settled for Washington State and some other state. I'd have to look at it and then go look it up to figure that out.
Here is my collection of Mario pins. There was a KB toys store in a mall that we frequented that had a box full of these pins, and at the time our parents let us get one pin a week. The pins were a dollar or two. I actually had three princess pins at one poin, because of a Christmas gift.
Here you can see a Sebastian pin from The Little Mermaid. Underneath him is a gumball machine. Underneath that is a "World's Greatest Kid" pin. Next to that is a "I (heart)" pin with my mom's name on it. There are several more union pins floating around the Pinky and the Brain pin.
There's a Mystery Science Theater 3000 pin that I got from the mst3k Info Club.
Underneath the Greatest kid pin is a cross pin that I wore to my first Communion.
The bottom pins have pictures of stamps. Two of them are state pins and one of them has the Discovery on it. To the right is a Catholic Schools Week pin.
That's my collection. Maybe I'll take a few more pictures to improve on the blurry ones that I took.
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