Can you handle four and a half minutes of Bjork? Let's see if I can. Here's Army of Me and it can be found at this url
The video is over and I think I saw a few themes. Mostly about teeth and trucks and blowned up art.
It's nice to see Fatz Geromino still getting work.
Anyway, the first part of the video is creepy with metal and rotten teeth everywhere. At one poin there's a scene that reminds me of the poster for Saw 3. The second half of the video has her planting a bomb next to Lenin-esque guy to wake him up or something.
I didn't really catch the lyrics but it seemed like she decided to sing a song that didn't really match the beat.
Take 2, now to soak in the lyrics.
Ok, so the song is about Buh-Jork telling someone to quit whining. OR ELSE, they'll meet an army of her. In the museum it almost seems literal.
I just noticed that the person at the beginning at the video is probably the guy she rescued by blowing him up. So I guess that ties the whole video. Bjork is a heroine driving her giant stealthy truck but has to get a diamond at some poin with the help of a gorilla dentist to refuel her cars rotten teeth so she can rescue the guy in a terroristic fashion. Makes sense!
Was there some poin to the museum becoming the "mum" at the end?
The song is ok, but I'm not a fan of the video. The cross between the cold futuristic setting and the surreal could have worked better without the gross teeth. Seriously, the zoom from her smile into the metallic teeth is freaky.
You know what would have made it cooler? Bjork beating people up bullet-time style.
The cool part of this video is the refrain, because that's how I feel when I hear people whining, although the "army of me" line probably works better for her then me. Lita likes it because it has a dentist.
Dude, you were so close, and yet so far! Why would the dentist make me dig the video? Have you noticed me ever taking any more than average enjoyment from dentistry? I, like you, chiefly like this song because of the refrain. 1. Whiners are annoying and I work with teenagers. 2. The phrase "army of me" kind of makes me think of clones again.
As for the video itself, I like the dreamlike quality. And by dreamlike I mean in the sense that it's kind of disturbing and things are weird and they keep changing size and appearance and people are strange and it's hard to understand, and yes, there are teeth. It's kind of like they videotaped somebody's dream and said, "There's our video!" Though I get the feeling that video is what life is like inside Bjork's head all the time.
There could be significance to the Museum sign spelling "MUM" at the end, but it's Bjork, so it could mean almost anything. It's best not to dwell on figuring out what Bjork is trying to express in any given situation. Remember how we mentioned that Trent Reznor is crazy a couple days ago? Well, he's the dark, broody, rock and roll crazy. Bjork isn't that kind of crazy. She is CAAAAAAHHHRAAAAAAAAYYYYYZEEEEE!!!1!!
"You know what would have made it cooler? Bjork beating people up bullet-time style."
Perhaps I should have given you this one instead:
(Still nobody getting beat up, but it does remind me of that one episode of Buffy.)
Watching the video above would be strictly extra credit. Here's your real video for tomorrow:
Lita, I was wondering if you had a thing for dentists and shared that confidence only with Torrk.
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