Our cartoon is about two high school students. Our first on is Doyle, who looks like a dork but plays all kinds of sports. He's able to dunk over two students, including who I hope is the most embarrassed black kid ever. He can jump high, is mean at a game of footbase, and gets carried off by his school mates all the time.
Aimee is the other student who's a bookish girl. She's not really a nerd as much as the repressed librarian stereotype. I bet half the time she's on screen she folds her arms. The theme song says she's the smartest kid in school, which I could barely hear because the whole thing is synthesized. The eighties!
What does this have to do with anything? Well, the show's gimmick is that these two are taken to Galaxy High by a space taxi. Really. It's Gravedale High with aliens instead of spooks and ghouls. Also this cartoon was made before the eighties wore off.
Now that they're at alien scool, the situations are reversed! Sorta. Aimee is now popular, despite her chipmunk face and stupid name. Doyle is still not doing well in his classes and is chased by aliens for some reason. (I had to look up the lyrics to figure this out. Stupid synthesized voice.) There seems to be some other human character, but the rest of the students are space babes and humanoid octopi. They shout the school name like they were at an atheltic event over the title card. Despite making Aimee so smart, the show seems to be more about sports than anything else.
Space sports.
The wiki listing for this show is ridiculously long. The only thing interesting is that the show was created by Chris Columbus, the guy who later gave us Home Alone and the first couple Harry Potter films.
There are some episodes available at youtube. I'm not going to watch them because LOOK, SOMETHING REALLY DISTRACTING!
AWESOME!!! I used to watch this show. I am so sad to admit that. But I think that even at my young age, I wasn't sure if I liked it or not. The cab driver that looks like a pickle and the bully who looked like a fucked up rooster were creepy.
BTW, I think the kid you think is the other human isn't a human. He's the fat, nerdy one, right? His name was Milo De Venus (I think) and he had a bunch of arms. Therefore, not human.
The names are this show are so dumb.
CHRIS COLUMBUS! (angry wavy hand emoticon)
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