Monday, December 20, 2010

Top Five Christmas Films

I'm not really feeling it this year, but that doesn't mean I don't love Christmas. And in honor of the holiday, I'm listing the top five Chirstmas related films ever made. There's so many, so it was hard to narrow it down.


Triple Crossed

Larry wants to convince Joe's girlfriend to marry him instead, so he sets up a situation where Joe is modeling for Moe's wife, then calls the jealous Moe and Joe's girlfriend to come over to Moe's place immediately. Joe puts on a Santa Claus costume to elude Moe. Also, Moe decorates a Christmas tree, before yanking it over.

Note: A remake of He Cooked His Goose.


Rumpus in the Harem

The boys' girls have to pay a virgin tax or else they will be sold into slavery, so the boys decide to go after the Rootin Tootin Diamond to pay it. They disguise themselves as Santa Claus.

Note: Shemp's part is played by the back of actor's Joe Palma's head and stock footage. The film is a remake of Malice in the Palace.


He Cooked His Goose

Larry wants to convince Joe Shemp's girlfriend to marry him instead, so he sets up a situation where Joe Shemp is modeling for Moe's wife, then calls the jealous Moe and JoeShemp's girlfriend to come over to Moe's place immediately. Joe Shemp puts on a Santa Claus costume to elude Moe. Also, Moe decorates a Christmas tree, before yanking it over.

Quote: Shemp - "Helloooo everybody! I’m a little early, but I got a lotta runnin’ to do! Blitzen’s in the kitchen, and Prancer’s got the antses in his pantses!"


Malice in the Palace

The boys serve to men who are after the Rootin Tootin Diamond. After they find out that the two men aren't as dangerous or noble as they seem, they kick them out and decide to get the diamond for themselves. They put on Santa Claus costumes to fool the guards.

Note: The 2004 NBA brawl has been nicknamed Malice at the Palace. This film is public domain.

And the greatest Christmas film ever!


Wee Wee Monsieur

The Three Stooges accidently join the French Foreign Legion. They lose the man they're suppose to protect, so they disguise as Santa Claus to get him back.

Quote: Curly - "Oh, you hit Santa Claus? Just for that: no toys!"

Merry Christmas from Tork's Blog!

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