Monday, March 21, 2011

About that kid, or that other kid.

Or that guy. Or remember that gal from a few years ago?

I just wanted to add a little more about that Friday music video. It's a stupid song, but can someone explain why people take music so seriously? I've noticed that people treat their personal music tastes in the same way they'll treat politics or religion. Now that we have iPods why do we need to jump on anybody who likes music that we don't like?

I have a cousin who wears a Justin Beiber rubberband on her fat wrist. Do I need to panic and shame her into picking the One True Music even though she's a ten/eleven year old? Justin will be forgotten in a few years. Why do people get bent out of shape over him? I once trolled a youtube video about the PlayStation Move, and someone countered my Pro-Nintendo comment by comparing the Wii to him. I'm not 12, so I don't spend every moment of the day comparing things to a teen idol, so such a thing is lost on me.

You even see death threats. It reminds me when I was that age, and we much smarter, older, almost teens knew better than those dumb children. They loved Barney. Yeah, well we hate him! DEATH TO BARNEY! DIE DIE DIE! To show how sophisticated we were, we released our inner-sociopath.

How many preteens have access to the Internet? Because it makes me wonder how many adults are also immature enough that they feel threatened by any goofy song that doesn't conform to their standards.

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