Tuesday, May 17, 2011


The worst part of the Seth MacFarlane reboot (on FOX in 2013)? A Flintstones reboot/upgrade isn't a bad idea.

The Flintstones isn't a bad show, obviously, but it suffers from the fact that it was the only real hit animated prime time show until the nineties. Before the Simpsons, people thought of animated prime time shows as copies of an old (great) sitcoms. By itself The Flintstones was fine but compared to classic Simpsons it comes off as antiquated. Maybe an updated Flintstones will be faster paced and embrace new gags. And maybe modern writers will go easy on the "rock" and "stone" gags.

I just wish the project was headed by anybody but this guy. Oh well, I'll try to watch one episode and then make a decision. I do want to see a gag about Homer Fred and Barney smoking while the wives do chores.

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