Dammit! I'm glad I took a break. By the way, at the rate I'm going, it'll probably take me a month or two to complete this.
Then God held a magnifying glass over me. Somehow I survived.
Near the entrance are a bunch of shops and small restaurants. I took a picture of this Cinnabon place because my mom always jokes about getting Cinnabons when we go to malls.
Same pic, blurrier but brighter. If I went with someone else I could have had a picture of me eating a Cinnabon so I could rub it in mom's face, but oh well. I think I decided to go to the bathroom at this poin. The bathrooms were a bit filthy. At least the ones I went to. All the water fountains had bugs in them.
While I was walking towards the Old Virginia part of the park I walked by an arcade. Back in 1994, I was without my parents and decided to spend 30 dollars worth of quarters at the arcades. This was one of them, although it had a lot more racing games then this. The arcade was the exit to what used to be a theater where you would watch a racing movie while the seats rumbled back and forth. It's no longer like that now.
Anyway, I took these pictures as a joke. This time I was determined not to spend a quarter at an arcade.
And here was bunch of claw machines and other games right outside the arcade. I guess the joke is already wearing thin at three photos.
I'd love to tell you what this was about, or where I was, but I can't tell. I love the shade, though. It must have been a relief during the hot day. Anyway, that's probably a gift shop in the distance.
Stupid earthquake. I'm trying to find a ride to go on!
Nice! I like waterfalls, and this one is located to your right as you go on a bridge from the arcade to the Old Virginia section of the park.
I think I'm starting to see a pattern here. The camera I used also had the ability to take videos. I decided to use that here, but not for very long because the camera said I only had so many seconds.
Nice, huh?
Here's a souvenier shop located somewhere on the way over. I think it was a shop that sold wooden signs.
I think the shop is too shy to give me it's name.
Well, I can't tell you what this place was, but I can guarantee you that everything you buy is under ten dollars!
So I test out my camera by taking a picture of my hand. Just call me Torky BigHands.
Here was a bell that's in the middle of a few shops, games, and the Shenandoah Log Flume ride. By the way, one of the games, probably the shoot a water pistol at the target game, had a woman who was constantly shouting at people to get over. I was amused by her somewhat Spanish accent for some reason. Maybe her endless droning made her voice like that.
Yep, a bell. Fun fact- I went to Philly once and walked by the place where they store the Liberty Bell.
And here's stuff written on the Liberty Bell, so memorize it just in case you go on a game show someday.
I don't think this replica was cracked. I'm sure I would have noticed.
And here is the entrance to the Shenandoah Log Flume ride. This ride was one of the original rides when the park opened and I went on it three or four times back in 1994. And with this, I think we'll end this section.
Next time!
Will I finally go on a ride?
Will I get ripped off for 12 bucks?
Will I use more photos at a time so this doesn't take me months to finish?
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