One more wasted picture for the road before I leave the "pirate" cave.
After wandering through the cave, I was starting to get hungry. You see, before I found the cave, I wandered through the park several times trying to find it. I found the map to be not so helpful. Also, it was nearing noon and I had skipped breakfast. So I started to look for restaurants. I went to a place that sold hotdogs and got in line, but realized that I was suppose to get a tray, so feeling stupid I just got out of line and left to find another restaurant. It was also here that I saw the free refill wristbands that all restaurants sold. Four bucks for a wristband wasn't bad, especially as we'll see later.
Anyway, if you're wondering about why I have this sign and not a restaurant sign, it's because I ran into my sister and her fiance while looking for another place to eat.
Yep, this is the next ride I went on, and the first ride I had to wait a few minutes to get on. I'm a wimp when it comes to getting on roller coasters.
Oh wait, according to this wiki entry, this is a type of roller coaster. That's neat. Here's a look at part of the track.
When you get on the Avalanche, you get in a cart that can seat two people. Luckily, I was sweaty at the time so I got one to myself. Each cart has a country listed on them for some reason. I think I got France, darn it.
You can see the carts or whatever they're called in the center of this picture. I think I took these track pictures after I was done. Part of our group was way behind us in the line so my sister and her fiance were also trying to take pictures of them.
The mountain behind the Avalanche is another roller coaster known as The Volcano. More on that later.
Speak of the devils, luckily they're not facing the camera or I would have to pull this picture. I can't stand the fact that my sister has short hair.
One last picture of the Avalanche. Fun ride that I can get on again. My sister said it was similar to a ride called the Toboggin that we used to go on at Ocean City. Which will hopefully be the subject of a future blog entry.
This is a ride I should have gone on but didn't. This is Tomb Raider: The Ride. I like the Tomb Raider games but I don't like rides where they strap you down and lift you in the air. This one didn't seem too bad, but I forget if it goes upside down or not. That would be a deal breaker for me. Interestingly, besides the fog you see here, another effect this ride has is fire belching out of columns on either side. Well, I find that interesting.
Is that a woman's face in front of the big eye behind the people? I wish I paid attention to what kind of tomb was being raided.
I don't really care about The Volcano itself. The reason why I took this picture is because when I was a kid, this mountain used to have the Smurf Mountain ride. I can't believe it's gone. I was joking to my sister that maybe one day Smurfs will get popular again and they'll take back the mountain.
After I left the group again, I was still hungry but I didn't have a clue where to go. I started wandering. I wander a lot. Here I found this secret building cleverly hidden in an amusement park. What have I stumbled on to?
This ride was a little secluded, so it was a bit intriguing. I'm sure it was inspired by Men In Black.
FEAR US! Even though we don't exist.
You know, it doesn't surprise me that a super secret government place has a press area. It really doesn't.
"We don't exist! We don't exist! We don't exist!..."
A picture that I should have taken but didn't is one of the sign for the ride. King's Dominion has a rating system for rides, five being the most EXTREEEME and one being for everybody. I saw the five, and the fact that they would reject you from the ride if you were too fat(!), and ran away. By walking.
Here was one of the highlights of the day. It was hot. Not overbearingly hot, but it was still hot. I forget where this is, but it was heavenly. This area provided shade, drinks, and mist that came out of this Coke statue. As much as I didn't want to get wet, I spent a few minutes here.
I wish I was there right now.
No, I'm not a shill for Coca-Cola. I was just really hot and thirsty at this poin.
These machines had an interesting function that I wish we had at the university where I work. They had a slot where you can slide a credit card. I decided to buy a Coke even though it was over three and a half dollars. Best drink I had for a while, at least until I started gulping the drink down so I could move on.
Next up:
Will it reach noon?
Will my wimpiness prevent me from ascending the Eiffel Tower?
Will blogger recognize wimpiness as a word? Apparently not.
Edit: Fixed some dumb spelling errors that a third of my readers poined out.
Torrk, you perfectly displayed my frustration with "wander" vs. "wonder". So many people get it wrong. Case in poin:
After wondering through the cave, I was starting to get hungry.
I wondered through the park several times trying to find it.
Later on, though, you got it right:
I started wandering. I wander a lot.
So I guess there's still hope for you.
They used to have a roller coaster there were you would go down into a hole in the ground and a bunch of mist would come out at you. At first I thought that's what the Tomb Raider ride was, but it's totally different. I wonder how many of the old rides are gone.
Neat post. Thanks!
I think you're referring to the Anaconda. I'm sure that's still around, but I didn't notice that one.
I remember how huge that ride was in the last few years we went there before this trip. I think I even remember going there and seeing the ride under construction.
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