Here these people are again at the highest part waiting to be dropped. This is known as "the part where you pray the ride doesn't break." Did I mention that you couldn't get me on one of the rides unless you offered me something big in return?
I was surprised I was able to capture this. My timing on the other rides weren't so good.
Last one, I promise. Here's a blurry photo of a roller coaster. What a way to end this section of my trip!
Well, guys, looks like its time to pack it all in again.
It always hurts to close it all up,
strike the set, wipe up the grease paint,
napkin up the blood and entrails and move on to another town. (Seriously, where does all the magic go?)
Back on the ground, I took a picture of the three waterfalls on the other end. Even though Paramount doesn't own the park anymore, we still see the 16(?) stars logo here.
I would complain about how Nickelodeon sucks today compared to when I was a kid, but I just want to ask if any of these shows are still being made. Maybe Spongebob, but did they even make that Cosby show for more than one season? Do they still make that show where the little girl yells at dumb kids?
Seeing how I haven't gone on too many rides at this poin, it was time to go on a ride. What better ride than one that was around since the park opening. I got in line for the Blue Ridge Tollway, and it was one of the longer lines I waited in. This is not me being in front of the car. I was still a couple rows back.
This is basically a ride where you get in old-timey buggies and ride around on a track. I've seen home videos of my parents riding them while my mom was pregnant with me.
Here's me trying to get in a few pictures while on the right side of the line. Here's where the workers wait for people to stop at the end of the ride before the worker slowly drives them to the beginning. They also gas them up here, but I didn't see that at any poin.
Here's a restaurant and a small lake with a ton of lilli pads in it. More of that soon!
See? Told you. Too bad it's so blurry. I thought I had more pictures of these lilli pads because I focused on it for a while.
Anyway, I rode around in my old timey car in between two other people. Unfortunately, the person in front of me was slow while the person behind me was on my tail. You're not allowed to bump or to stop, so I had to pay attention to them. The ride itself has a few sites, the most memorable being fake tombstones. Too bad I couldn't get a picture, but alas, I was alone.
Here's another ride I went on! That's like two in a row! This is the Screaming Eagle. You tilt the thing in front of you left or right to control and you can fly around at sharp angles. I played it safe because I'm a total wuss.
I was surprised that you can sorta brush a tree/bush if you go sharp enough. Given how lawsuit crazy this country is, I can't see that tree/bush being there for long.
After I was done for the ride, I left to go to the exit but it was locked, so I left the way I came. I thought I had a picture of that exit but I don't see it here. Oh well.
I must have still been in the area of the last ride, because I decided to take a picture of this sign. This is the kind of thing that my mom would love, given how into nostalgia she is.
I prefer the previous picture, thank you very much.
The sunlight, of course, was preventing me from telling whether or not the previous picture I took was any good.
Oh, here we go. More lilli pads. I wish I knew what restaurant was here. I guess I could look at a map, but I'm too lazy. That's why it's a month and a half later, and I'm still not done talking about this trip.
Next time!
Will I stop taking pictures of lilli pads?
Will I make efficient use of my remaining time at the park?
Am I spelling lilli pads right? Probably not, but the Internet isn't helping me.
1 comment:
Man, those old time buggy rides are crazy popular. Every time I walk past one there are like a billion people in line for it. Mostly old people and pregnant women, though. No grown men in their 20s.
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