My Pick of the Week is based entirely on the title. It's Mushroom Men: The Spore Wars for the Wii. No, the Mushroom Kingdom doesn't have dark secrets. Although that should be the plot of a Mario RPG.
Also out this week on DVD is this false advertisement. It says it's the Ultimate Casablanca set, but does it include Overdrawn at the Memory Bank? I think not.
I have yet to see the first Narnia movie on DVD. Maybe I can wait and get these movies in a set.
Not many believed. But you can transfer this movie to an iPod Touch and start converting!
This is Saturday Night Live, Season Four. Are they really going to sell every season of this show on DVD? It's older than me.
I saw this exercise video pop up. Jeez, even I know you don't offer this to a woman for her birthday or Christmas.
I already have the Cinematic Titanic version of this, but here's Santa Claus Conquers the Martians remastered. I'd love to give my thoughts on that episode, but I'm saving it for Christmas.
I listened to the Jingle Cats cd. Not as great as jingle dogs I'm afraid.
My Fitness Coach is a Wii Fit like game that uses the balancing board. Again, bad timing for the release of it.
Finally, I don't like Space Invaders, but I like this title.
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