My Pick of the Week is the latest MST3k collection from Shout Factory. The usual overpriced collection of four episodes include Mad Monster, Soul Taker, Manhunt in Space, and Final Justice. It includes an interview with punching bag Joe Estevez and Greydon Clark! Also some clips from some episode of Cheap Seats.
Also out this week on DVD is the 1990 Columbo movies. I guess I need to sit down and watch the 1989 movies now.
In theaters this week is the second of the Steve Martin Pink Panther movies. The first one of his was ok, but since I haven't seen any of the real Pink Panther movies, I have no idea how badly he's mangled the series. By the way, February is a bad movie dumping ground. Just saying.
Fanboys is a movie about people going to see The Phantom Menace. I bet they steal a scene from The Producers when they poin the camera at the fanboys faces.
This is how you get me to see Chocolat. You add plenty of action!
Back to DVDs, we have this tribute to Jason Voorhees. Say, is there a remake coming out anytime soon?
So, what ever happened to Harry Anderson?
Can a movie really be a camp classic if it wasn't meant to be campy? I assume Mommie Dearest was meant to be serious.
On the Wii we have an Ultimate Shooter Collection. I love how the description on this page avoids mentioning what the name of the games are.
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