What's black and white and red all over? Madworld, my Pick of the Week. Here's a bloody game for people who whine about Wii games being lousy. I hope the game isn't as headache inducing as the video of it that I watched on the Nintendo channel.
Also out this week is the 12th season of South Park. I haven't followed the show recently so I've only seen two episodes from last year. All I can remember is the kids were getting high off sniffing cats or something.
Lucas decided to follow up the Star Wars series with Howard the Duck. Every time I see a still from that movie I know that it just can't suck. "Oh look, a bad Donald Duck costume." And I don't make millions.
I bet the back of the box for Get Smart: Season 2 says "Get Smarter!"
Back to the Wii. We have two GameCube "Wiimakes." Get it!? One is Mario Power Tennis and the other is the first Pikmin. They both have revamped Wii controls. They also will probably be blamed if Madworld underperforms. Nintendo, I loved the GC but most didn't so I'm wondering if this is a good idea.
Lastly we have a Wii version of Trivial Pursuit. You know, the board game with the insane questions that you'd never get? Eventually you abandon the board and start reading the questions to each other in the hopes that someone gets a question right. That game.
Don't forget pie. Trivial Pursuit gives you pie.
I thought Mad World featured Mike Mignola's Hellboy for a minute, until I looked more closely at the dude on the cover. I call bait and switch, Nintendo! Hmmmph!
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