Today's video is Breathe by Kylie Minogue. Kylie Minogue is best known for being Cammy in Street Figther: The Movie, which I personally like. It's 3 minutes and half of pure nonsense, because I'm making this up. The real video is by Bat for Eyelashes. I just thought today's video was by Kylie because I saw her in the side bar. Enjoy Whats A Girl To Do for the next three minutes.
Hmmm, did I do anything to upset Lita? That's my initial reaction to watching this video.
Our singer is riding on a bicycle towards us. The music has a creepy Halloween touch to it. Singer sing/speaks about how her relationship is falling apart. She's growing cold to her boyfriend and can't bring herself to tell him that. I recommend a singing telegram. By the way, when you look away after he asks you if you love him, isn't that a giveaway? If not, he's sorta a clod and I can see why a woman would lose interest.
Then she starts singiAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! FURRIES! KILL THEM!!! KILL THEM ALL!!! SEND THEM BACK TO HELL!!!!!! What the hell, Lita! What the hell!? We have a bunny, a tiger, a cougar, and a bear. The bunny might be an alien, though. Singer sings the question about what do you do when the spark is gone from your relationship. Well you don't go to shady internet dating sites and pick up four strangers, that's for sure! I can agree that she's on a train to train wreck town. Only real train wreck people get off easy. What's a girl to do? I recommend crying and eating, but I only get that solution from tv. You might want to seek the advice of another woman before you do anything so hasty again.
Gross mascot heads do some lame bike moves and then hide behind our small singer. That's a neat trick, I guess. Singer looks to her right and sees a goth with balloons and a person wearing a lame ghost costume with a McDonald's McBoo bucket. If that was symbolic of their relationship than I don't know why breaking up is a big deal. Maybe I don't get angsty teen relationships. Singer does that talk-singing thing again where she tells us that her boyfriend wanted to work things out, but she had to tell him it was over. Ouch.
Cue refrain and more furry crap. Damn, there's more of them. Plus, the cougar was really a fox. What is with furries and foxes? Is it the only thing they can draw? Yuck. Furries disappear behind her and the song ends.
The song alone is nice and haunting. As you can tell, I didn't care for the video. Why do furries have to ruin good things?
The awesome thing about this video is the McBoo bucket. I had one as a kid as did a lot of kids my age. They weren't that big a deal but they came with a happy meal, so of course we liked them.
1 comment:
Not everything in an animal mask is a furry. Seriously, when I watch this video, I don't see furries there. Have you ever seen a guy in a fursuit? Just GIS fursuit and you'll see that nothing in this video was anything like as ridiculous as an actual furry in full fur gear.
I picked this video because I think it's a pretty awesome kind of creepy video. And I think guys in animal masks and hoodies on bikes clapping in unison and doing tricks in rhythm with the song are kind of awesome. And creepy.
I wasn't going to give you this one until later, but now you get it now. You wanna see scary? I think I saw a furry in here!
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