Today's Music Video is Aeroplane. It is by the Red Hot Chili Peppers and is over four minutes long.
Hmm. Yesterday the word I would have described the video with is steamy. This video seems to be more of a video for 12 year old boys. This is also what I think of when I think of music videos that I don't watch. It never stays still for more than 5 seconds.
The video opens with women wearing tight gold outfits. They slowly move their bodies around until suddenly the video explodes. It's the Red Hot Chili Peppers and they're wearing pants today. In the background some silver costumed ladies are on swings. They kick high a couple times. RHCP sings about how music is their aeroplane, which means...something. There's a pool, which is cool.
They start singing about how they like pleasure spiked with pain. Either this is a song about taking the good with the bad, or it's one of THOSE kind of things. There are a ton of women now and they're holding paddles. They do things like chew bubble gum and spank themselves. 12 year olds LUV'D this video. Just as I typed that two women move their bodies in ways that would have a stern mom yelling at them to keep their knees together like a proper lady!
Singer sings about how he can't find the right gal. Well, maybe you're intimidating her with all this excess. Some gals wearing bathing suits jump into the pool. Seriously, I think I've beaten the 12 year old boy joke to death by now. Singer can make the past disappear. Good for him.
As the refrain is sung, we see more women doing things with paddles. It's like the sexiest airplane commercial. Is this the way to run an airport? YOU BET IT IS! Various stuff happen. As verse two starts, we get a close up of a gold woman's waist. The song becomes harder to understand as the singer sings about overcoming gravity. There's something emo-y but it's lost on me.
Various more stuff happen which includes synchronized swimming stunts. The gold women get in a circle and move their legs around and the swimmers stay in a circle. Final verse is about how a note from some woman could change his life for good or bad. The best visual is of some woman holding onto a rope and spinning towards the pool. Pools are cool. The song concludes with kids in plane costumes singing along with the refrain.
This is how I see music videos. The rockers are doing stuff like this while I watch uncomprehending. And I really don't, either. What do they mean by music is my aeroplane? I guess it makes them feel like they can soar, or something. Too bad it isn't helping with the singer's lady problems. (If you ignore all the women in this video, of course. It hurts his case.) Ladies and gentleman, I'm clueless.
The song is ok. Could use less cussing.
The awesome thing about this video is the excess of the video. Not just women in gold costumes, and not just women in in bathing suits, but both, and more. It's ridiculous, and entertaining on this late Sunday night. This may not be my best entry this month.
Aboutt he twelve year old boy comment...
I was 16 or 17 when this video came out, and I enjoyed it immensely, thankyewverymuch!
I enjoyed this video as well. \\thump
I also enjoy this video. So there.
I disagree about the cussing, though. This video should have had more cussing because the original song had cussing in it and this video has all the swears edited out. You guys uploaded this yourselves, Red Hot Chili Peppers! This is the Internet! You can give us a version with the bad words left in!
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