We reach a milestone today with out fiftieth music video. Maybe, just maybe we'll reach 100 in 2010. Today's video is Sexx Laws by Beck. It's a filthy four minutes.
We start with a logo for #mpglovers. This probably has nothing to do with the video but I'm poining it out anyway. We cut to night where we see five dateless losers called the Vision Warriors Men Circle. They do nerdy guy stuff like yoga and talking about what they want to do. Pfft, punch something you so-called guys! One of them is Jack Black so we can see where this is going. They start to group hug and talk about progress but before they can pretend that Jediism is real, football players break through the walls.
Music starts while we see Beck and his band play. I can't really make much out but the word Vulture is in the background in green. There's a cage or something to the right and Beck is wearing clothes with lots of strings hanging off his chest, arms and whatever. The rainbow-colored football players smash the nerds with what's left of the wall. Beck starts singing about war or something causing you to lose your balance...then he completely loses me. I think something to do with a prostitute. Anyway the nerds go to the kitchen and act like they're in a comedy ghost movie. Stuff happens, including kitchen items humping each other. Even the fridge grows arms and goes after the oven. Why am I watching this?
We reach the refrain as Beck sings about wanting to defy the logic of the sex laws. Not the laws themselves, mine you, but the logic behind them. His fantasy apparently is to let you take advantage of him while he pretends to be helpless at a halfway home. Come on, Beck's an adult and he can handle this! I have a compromise. You do what you want, and you do it all the way over there were I'm not, and we never meet again and I never have to hear from you again. Sounds good? I'm not taking away your privacy, right? Sigh. Anyway, we see the guitarist turn into a zebra furry for no reason. If someone ever comes up with a scale of worst furries, zebra heads have to rank pretty high I'd think.
Not content to be really strange, it gets weirder as aliens make an appearance. The aliens in the ufo look over assorted aliens on land who start the same behind the back standing position thing that the fridge did. Aliens have ufos but they don't have the karma sutra. Advantage: Earth. Oh, I guess the ufo aliens are like The Man trying to stop per...free people from doing what the want. A Power Ranger like fight breaks out. I have no pony in this. Meanwhile I still don't understand a thing Beck is saying but I caught a line about a venereal disease, so there. Power rangers defeat the ufo aliens.
Refrain repeats. Some girl that looks like Screech grows breasts. Yeah, you defy the logic of the laws that say breasts don't just grow out of nowhere! We see a lot of dancers behind some dirty brick building. They start to spray paint each other. I hate to pour cold water on these escapades but this isn't an orgy, people. Various people from the video show up where Beck's band is and they all do random things. The nerds seem to be enjoying themselves. The video ends with Jack Black giving a short speech about defying sex laws. I'm shocked, SHOCKED that he was given something to say.
I don't know how to compare this to the other two really strange videos this month. The song is ok but the subject isn't really my thing. I mean, come on, I write a blog! The video is pretty freaken strange and the lyrics probably mean something but they're non-sensical to me.
The awesome thing is when someone smashed Jack Black over the head with a wall.
Tork, you are trying to find literal sense in Beck lyrics. That's pretty silly. I'm sure Beck songs are about things, but he tends to include a lot of nonsense in his lyrics and it's just something you need to get used to. It's better to just look for a general theme. In this song (and most of this album) the theme is this:
Beck's horny.
I love this song. Whenever I hear it I just want to start dancing. There's a few songs like that on the album (Midnite Vultures) and that makes it a lot of fun. I gotta rerip the cd, though, since the RIAA or the Church of Scientology or somebody decided that all the track breaks in the mp3s I ripped would be messed up so I'd get half of one song stuck to the front of another and annoying crap like that.
I don't know what your obsession with furries is. This is like the third or fourth video you've accused of having furries in it when there were no furries to be found. It's like your drug-related derangement last year.
We're back to normalcy in the realm of awesome things, though, because once again the thing you hated was the most awesome thing in this video. I love the zebra banjo playing mannequin thing. When it's just standing there in the background through the whole video (definitely not transmogrifying from anybody else) it's awesome enough, but then the top half spins around and that's terrifying. And awesome. I would like to have one in my very own home. I'd use it to frighten away my relatives.
Mickery suggested this next video and was disappoined to learn that I had it on my list already. Here you go:
I like Zebrahead, but they lost mne when they started trying to be a serious punk band. Whatevs, guys.
The thing I liked about this video is that about halfway through it turns into HR Pufenstuf. Awesome.
Also, spinny zebra dude -- awesome.
Listen here, baby blue! I'm tired of you badmouthing me!
Wow, Tork, the spinny banjo-playing zebra dude just commented on your blog!
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