Today's video is called Camel Walk. It is by a band called Southern Culture on the Skids. The South will not rise again in a brief two and a half minutes.
This is a weird video in that it's weird that Lita likes it. Or maybe someone else picked it for her.
We start with a couple of hicks outside a shack. The guy has dumb lower lip facial hair (I forget what that's called) and the woman looks like Peg Bundy. Hick guy tells his gal to eat a cracker while wearing presumably lingerie. I guess it's a hick thing that a wussy suburbanite like me wouldn't get. Since this is the soundtrack to some movie I never heard of, we see various clips from that movie. The first clip looks like some guy licking Ellen Degeneres's armpit.
Many cuts happen. I guess it's a short video because they cut every 2 seconds. I'm not listing everything on screen, but there is a Mexican wrestler in one of the clips. He even shows up at a party where dumb lower lip facial hair guy is. At some party with an aloha sign in the background this guy sings about being like the Israelites escaping from the pharaoh and wondering around the desert. Instead of finding the promise land and some Manna, he instead wants the truth, poiny boots, and a few snack crackers. You can really judge a person by what they ask for in their hour of need. I hope he got those little fish crackers.
While he does a hick yell, Mary Tyler Moore shows off her cleavage in another movie clip. How was the career going in the nineties, Laura? Hick guy sings that his gal makes him want to walk like a camel. You mean awkwardly, ready to spit at anyone? More random scenes happen, including a what the heck moment when a woman takes something and sticks it under her shirt on her underwear. People dance. Hick wonders aloud who's in charge. He wants crackers NOW, dangit. He warns someone not to eat too much oatmeal pie. This turns him on for some reason. Refrain about camels again.
Third verse is about how the hick asks if he can get a quarter out from under the poiny boot of the subject. This is suggestive for some reason, as if the quarter was going to put him over the top of the funds needed to go on a date with sexy results expected. I refuse to make the previous sentence better written. He sings that he wants oatmeal pie, and I wish I knew what it looks like because he makes it sound obscene. Walk like a hump-back animal.
The movie looks like a comedy date movie. I deduce that from the fact that I'm cringing just looking at it. Why do women like stupid things? (Admittedly, they may not like this particular movie.)
This song is about wanting to walk like a camel. That means...getting on all fours. And...I have no idea. It sounds like a happy little hick song and the guy sounds vaguely horny, but let's not explore that.
The song is ok, I guess. As for the video, what is up with the girl putting the thing between her thighs? The heck!
The awesome thing about the video is obvious. It's the Mexican wrestler. It's like the one thing Mexico gets right. Does the WWF ever have Mexican wrestlers? That would be interesting.
The awesome thing about this video is the song. It is an awesome song. I'm indifferent to the video itself.
I was in high school when this song came out and they played it at my junior prom. My date had a very similar reaction to it that you just did, Tork, but I made him dance to it with me anyway because this song rules.
Okay, I didn't get to watch this yesterday so I watched it this morning. This was my first time hearing the song and, in fact, I have never even heard of Southern Culture on the Skids.
Lita, I question your taste. SRSLY.
Mickety comes from back in my day. He'll back me up on this.
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