Wednesday, April 6, 2011

There is probably no Dominionism,

so stop worrying.

My favorite thing about that conspiracy theory (and its believers are every bit as dumb as truthers, birthers, kennedy...ers, and so forth) is that the U.S. always one step away from being changed into a theocracy. Meanwhile, evil Christians* have to pay for others abortions out of their pockets. You won't believe how the recent House vote to defund a corrupt organization like Planned Parenthood is proof, PROOF! that radical Christians are pushing their extremism on the country.

I remember reading a thread about that recent vote and one woman in particular was complaining that the wrong Christians (or maybe the Tea Party, but the thread lumped them all together) were trying to control her life. By using democracy to stop paying for her subsidies. Uh huh.

Not only do bullies pick on weaker targets, but they also pretend to be the victim once the target fights back.

* - As opposed to the good ones. But don't you dare ask for specifics. Propaganda only works if you're vague about one side. Just assume that the good side keeps its mouth shut and knows its place.

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