Sunday, March 13, 2011

This Week In Entertainment (3/14/11)

My Pick of the Week is this DVD of Gamera vs Zigra, paired with another Gamera movie. Why? Because it's a slow week. It's the Gamera movie where...I don't know.

Because John Goodman is hefty, you see.

Pfft, every century thinks that theirs is the best.

Man, Snoop must have run out of money when he made this.

I bet you they put both triumphs and tragedies on both DVDs so you can't avoid either. Jerks.

I'm not saying you shouldn't watch these because you should for historical purposes. But you might want to hide them afterwards. People might misunderstand.

Because her one music video where she tried to kill her boyfriend was the most accurate look on women I've ever seen. No, I don't have issues!

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