Sunday, March 6, 2011

This Week In Entertainment (3/7/11)

My Pick of the first third of 2011 is Mystery Science Theater Volume XX. It's an all-Joel edition. The episodes included are Project Moonbase, Master Ninja 1, Master Ninja 2, and The Magic Voyage of Sinbad.

Also out this week is this summary of Super Bowl XLV. I hope it includes several angles of Big Ben's pick six.

The Game Show Network is going to revive Whose Line is it Anyway?, so why not prepare for that by picking up this copy of a live show by stars Colin Mocherie and Brad Sherwood.

Grover is Jewish. Who knew?

Despite what conspiracy theorists tell you, these things actually happened.

I assume the story goes, "I was too drunk and I missed the bus that exploded" but I don't know how you make a movie or documentary about that.

The Indian Three Stooges! I assume. Maybe they'll do the Maharaja routine.

In theaters we get the Twilight-ification of Little Red Riding Hood. You stink, 12 year old girls. (Or any woman who still acts like they're that age.)

Mars Needs Moms. Doesn't that title sounds like something that would be released straight to video? Well, it is March.

As bad as Mars Needs Moms sound, at least it doesn't look like a big budget movie that's about to flop this month.

Ever notice that colleges don't really teach anything and is more concerned with entertaining its unchaperoned crowd? Just asking.

In vidya game news, Pokemon Black and White was released today. I can't wait for the terrible race jokes this game will get.

Hey look, a baseball game for the Wii. Do they still do the motion controls thing anymore?

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