Monday, May 5, 2008

This Week In Entertainment (5/5/08)

Today's Pick of the Week is MST3k: The Movie. I saw this movie after I had stopped watching the series for a few years, and it was responsible for pulling me back into the series during the Sci Fi era. This movie is short but very funny. I already have the movie on DVD but it's worth it just to see Trace's hand during one of the host segments.

Also out on DVD is a look at kids Saturday morning shows from the fifties. Should be interesting.

Did I mention this last week? Anyway, I find it amusing that "The Next Generation" and "The Beginning" are both in the title. Just call it "Encounter at Farpoin" and everybody will know what you mean.

At first I thought this was a collection of classic shorts. Oh well. Probably not something I would be interested in.

I was a fan of He-Man as a kid. I think this may have been the origin story of She-Ra. Or maybe it was a theatrical movie. Most likely one of those things.

Teddy Ruxpin was big one year. I can't remember when, or even why because it was just a bear with a casette player, but it was the Tickle Me Elmo of some year.

Question: Which one is the hottie?

Is there a conspiracy to make me so embarrassed by the video game culture that I'll quit games? I'm just curious.

Out in theaters is Speed Racer, a movie that I may see even though I could care less. It's made by the same guys who made The Matrix and the Matrix Revolutions, so who knows how good it'll be?

With a movie title so lame, it has to be good! .... Right?

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