Thursday, February 2, 2012

Laugh-O-Meter: The Simpsons S23E10

Welcome to a new feature of Tork Blog!  Here, I watch an episode of a sitcom and record my honest reactions to it.  Today's subject is "Politically Inept with Homer Simpson", which I whined about in an earlier post.

Laugh Total:

2 laughs.
1 smile.
1 almost laugh.  You know when your face muscles start to move but don't quite reach a smile?  Yeah, that.

The almost laugh came during Homer's dumb Bill O'Rielly show parody when he accidentally screams "Death to America."  The two laughs came during the segment with James Madison trying to teach Homer about...something.  Yeah, it was suppose to be about democracy, but honestly the whole episode was so toothless and vague.  I forget what the smile was about, but it came during the last two acts.

Other than "Death to America", the first two acts were dreadful.  The Fox News Ticker thing was especially lame.  And Ted Nugent was chosen because...I don't know.  Like I said, the episode was toothless.

(By the way, I would love to hear Lisa give an essay about why repealing the Seventeenth Amendment is a bad thing.  Come on, let's hear Lisa's smartness for once instead of constantly hearing about it.)

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