Wednesday, May 27, 2009

This Week In Entertainment (5/27/09)


My Pick of the Week is lacking an online vs mode, dangit, but otherwise it should be a fun game. It's Bubble Bobble Plus! for the Wii and is 600 Wii poins. The NES Bubble Bobble was a great two player game so I don't see why they couldn't have tossed in an online 2 player mode.

Also out this week on DVD is Zabriskie's Point. It's a hippy movie that tries to wake you up at the end with a big poinless explosion.

In theaters is Pixar's latest, Up. It looks nice and colorful and I have to admit that the dog is very funny in the trailer.

This DVD set is the complete Land of the Lost show. Say, is there a related movie coming out soon?

This set has a number of 60s cartoons, mostly Hannah Barbara stuff. Most of these shows are probably available separately so this is more of a sampler set.

This set has a number of 70s Hannah Barbara stuff, which means everything is based on Scooby Doo. It includes Charlie Chan and The Funky Phantom.

I like to toss in an occasional oddball item. Every week I check amazon and they always seem to sell new belly dancing DVDs. I can understand the following, but is there really a market for new DVDs every week? Anyway, this set is bellydancing for pregnant women!

Also out on WiiWare this week is Adventure Island: The Beginning. It's the New Super Mario Bros of the Wonder Boy series.

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