Thursday, June 23, 2011

If she pulls a knife, you must kill your wife.

There are rumors that OJ is going to confess to the murders in an interview with Oprah.  He's got a great angle, though.  Self-defense. 

Uh huh.

Screw you, Oprah, for getting rich off crap like this.  On that note...

Screw you, Oprah's audience, for being the inspiration for Idiocracy.

Screw you, media, for exploiting every dumb "this trial is really about race relations" angle during 1995.

Screw you, morons who see racism in everything, for being the pimple on the ass of mankind.

Screw you, FOX(?) for your attempts to give this man a sympathetic ear when he tried to sell that "If I Did It" book.

I now end this post with this youtube clip from MAD TV.

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