Sunday, June 26, 2011

This I actually did.

On Friday, I was at the computer and I read a fan fiction for Mortal Kombat: The Mortal Kombat reboot for not Wii owners.  (I think that's the title.)  But not just any fan fiction.  Nooo.  I read a specific fan fic which involved a teddy bear.

You see, there's this bad guy who rules a bad world named Outworld.  He has two daughters, one adopted, one created by evil sorcery.  The evil one learns about teddy bears from a sorcerer who originates from earth.   So she makes one for an undead warrior she has a crush on.

This thing was created because of this level.  It's amusing, but I'm sure it's Mortal Kombat 2011's version of "The cake is a lie!"  And now I've read someone trying to get into these character's head, over a friggen bear.

What a life I live.  Did you know that I once had dreams?  Yeesh.

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