Friday, June 22, 2007

Father's Day Essay #1

My essay is about Alec Baldwin. He is the best known member of a very talented family.

Baldwin was born and raised in Massapequa, New York. He is part Irish, which explains his constant drinking and fighting. Since substance abuse is so common among his people, it's not surprising that he once worked at Studio 54 as a busboy.

Alec attended George Washington University for three years. He ran for a student body president, but lost. He transferred to New York University afterwards, which was the first time he equated losing an election to running away.

Alec's first role was in a tv show named Doctors. Coincidentally, the show ended it's 19 year run during his two years on the show. He gained a little fame on another soap, this time Knot's Landing. His preacher character left the show after he didn't have a good landing.

Alec's movie career started to take off in the late eighties. He starred in Beetlejuice, a movie known for its singing and dancing. In Working Girl, he plays a character who gets dumped. That's what happens when your character's name is Mick.

In 1990, Alec starred in the Hunt for Red October. This was the movie debute of Jack Ryan and the screenwriters thought that they needed to show his inexperience, so that explains his confusion with calendars. It was such a good movie that the Soviet Union soon collapsed.

The following year Alec met future ex-wife Kim Basinger on the set of The Marrying Man. Soon she was getting him roles in movies like the Shadow. The producers wanted a man who would disappear and not be seen by any of the other actors, and Alec was a good fit.

Later in the nineties he starred in The Juror, a movie about a teacher threatening to kill a juror. He won critical praise for portraying the way teachers go crazy in this country. He also starred in Mercury Rising, a movie about a landfill full of old barometers. In won a few enviromental awards.

In 2001 Alec starred in his most beloved role, as some guy in Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within. It was such a popular movie that the studio that made it decided to shut down afterwards because it already set a standard impossible to duplicate. This was such an important film for Alec that he starred in several other great films, like Cats and Dogs, Pearl Harbor, and The Adventures of Pluto Nash. He even got to work with one of Hollywood's greats, Mike Myers in The Cat and the Hat.

No one knows why, but Alec Baldwin holds a large grudge against Simpsons fans. This can be proven if you watch the episode that he appeared in called "When You Dish Upon a Star."

In conclusion, when is Saturday Night Live going to ban this guy?

1 comment:

wurwolf said...

Awesome. Thank you!