Thursday, June 14, 2007

A Movie Idea, and It's Mine!

My blog is still alive. I've just been busy lately. I'll have an essay up soon. I finally have a topic for June.

Since I have some space to kill, let me share some ideas for a movie I would like to write. I want to make a movie where the villians are a team of field hockey players. I think it's a idea whose time is due. I mean, what is the deal with those curved sticks, huh? Girls are weird.

I should start by writing the obligatory scene where a guy thinks his girlfriend is not a field hockey player because she's wearing a wig. Then he'll scream in terror when she reveals her blonde pony tail! That scene should write itself.

The climax will have a small town fighting back the girls as they invade the town. I'll probably toss in an obligatory "good" field hockey player who cuts off her pony tail and has to sacrifice herself at the end of the movie. You know, audience love that kind of thing. Besides, I don't want people to be too scared by this movie.

By the way, wiki apparently feels that there are non-blonde, non-women who play field hockey. Damn, you just can't trust that site for important stuff.

1 comment:

wurwolf said...

Didn't Kids in the Hall do this movie before?