Friday, November 30, 2007

Tork's Blog State of the Union

Ok, so it's the end of the month and now I have to once again explain why the blog hasn't been updated often and how I plan to change that this year.

Well, I actually have a plan for December. Hopefully December will be the first month with daily updates since July. I plan to have a Christmas theme for every day up till the 25th. Hopefully I can pull this off and not get lazy.

I was thinking about mentioning a gift I've received for Christmas every day. Hopefully I can remember stuff besides video games, although I may have to lean heavily towards the Christmases of 88 and 89 because I have home videos of those. I may even rip off X-Entertainment and have an advent calendar! Or not. Let's see if I can make a calendar in .Net first.

We'll see if I can get this to work. Hopefully I'll have the first entry up tomorrow night.

Also, I would like to bring back some old features. I want to write a couple Christmas themed essays, so let's hope I don't get lazy this month.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So you're saying that this will be Christmas history month? Can't wait!!!!