Saturday, February 23, 2008

Projects I Will Complete Someday #3

Hey look, I'm updating the blog on a not Monday and a Not Tuesday. How about that?

Anyway, I was thinking today about something I thought up last year (I think it was last year.) I had gone up to Delaware with my parents, and we saw signs for a few old museums. My parents mentioned to me that I should start a website and post about all the small museums we passed. It sounded like a neat idea but I doubt my attention span would have lasted long enough to make it to the third museum.

Later that day or the next we went to Ocean City. Along the trip I noticed several, and I mean SEVERAL miniature golf courses. Not just ordinary ones, but really fancy ones. There was a ice golf course which has been there for a while. The whole thing is white and shaped like glaciers. Other ones that I haven't noticed before (but it had been a while since our last trip to Ocean City) included a pirate theme with a large boat, and a volcano theme. Both of the golf courses included waterfalls with bright red or bright blue water. Forget museums. I wanted to go to all the golf courses we passed on our trip.

That leads to the project I had in mind. I want to go to all the golf courses in the U.S. Seriously, that would make a great blog. I would travel across the country with a camera, a video camera, a laptop, maybe a gps, and a couple friends. I mentioned this to Lita and she admitted that it was a fun idea.

I have to admit that this is very unlikely to happen. (Then again, I have yet to do the other two side projects that I mentioned, so maybe I'll get something done just to make up for my wasted free time.) Still, maybe I should register for another blogger account. One day I'll have to do some number crunching. I'll have to do this before some rich college graduates steal my idea!

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