Monday, February 9, 2009

Is Tork who he says he is?

Are you now, or have you ever been a Nintendo whore, Torkel J. Torkensten?

I've recently uncovered a horrible secret. An online friend of mine, who claims to be a Nintenerd, has only played halfway through Super Mario 3, has never played Donkey Kong Country, and has yet to play his way through several of the modern era Zelda games.

Granted, I have never played Donkey Kong Country or any recent Zelda games....however, I've never claimed to be a Nintendo Whore.

So it's time Tork comes clean: I want a list of every major well known Nintendo game that you have yet to play, won't play, or only played partway through. I want to know what famous characters in Nintendo's history you're unfamilliar with (Mahy of the people on Brawl? I have no idea). And most importantly, what Pokemon would taste best and what wine should he be served with?

You want a challenge for your blog? You keep running out of ideas? Well here's one for ya....and if you don't accept, you're a commie!

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