Tuesday, September 22, 2009

This Week In Entertainment (9/21/09)

My Pick of the Week is a Super Smash Bros knockoff. Don't worry, because this Ninja Turtle game is made by the same team. Lita, you can finally kick butt as April.

Also out this week is something I never thought I'd type: It's a live action origin movie of Scooby Doo. Really. How can you go on doing this, Frank?

In theaters is some movie about some song from the eighties that was a show or movie or something. Remember the eighties? Yeah, the eighties.

I don't know what Spyborgs is about but it's about time we get more Capcom support for the Wii.

On both DS and Wii is the Price is Right game. I'd buy it but I don't think I could take Drew Carey outside of Whose Line?

Finally, also on the DS is Women's Murder Club: Games of Passion. Proof that women can get into games. And are emotional and like romance and other chick stuff. Hey, I didn't name the game.

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