Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Bumblefudge Legacy: Generation 0: Chapter 4

Welcome back!

When last we saw Sally, she had just convinced Jebidiah not only to spend the night, but also to be her BOYFRIEND. They're both kind of sleepy now, though, so I tell Sally to relax so she and Jeb can knock out some woohoo and get to sleep.


Ok. Maybe not in that order. Looks like Jebidiah would like to keep a chaste relationship for now. Oh well, let's not wake the guy. Better just get under those covers and go to sleep, Sally.

At least they still get to snuggle. It's so cute!

The next morning rolls around and Jeb is up bright and early!

He's a neat Sim, so he gets very OCD about things like making the bed.

Nice undies, Buddy.

Jeb reads the paper for a little while, but then it's time for him to leave and go to work. Bye Jeb!

Sally wakes up hours after Jeb has already left.

She has another day off today, so she doesn't have much to do. She just chows on some leftovers from last night...

...studies some skill or other...

...and then when the evening comes she calls Jebidiah up again and asks him to drop by.

Of course he does! And Sally is very happy to see him.

I need to strike while the iron is hot. Sally's and Jeb's work schedules seriously do not mesh, so if I don't get this done tonight I will have to wait another Sim week to try again. I do NOT want to do this. Sally must propose right now!

Sally sighs with relief when Jeb accepts. It looks like he's patting her on the head. I hope this isn't going to be the dynamic of their entire relationship.

In keeping with my goal to get this over with as quickly as possible, I forgo any fancy ceremonies and just have them give their vows on the spot.

Awwww, they're so sweet. Ok. Let's see what we got!

Lifetime happiness points are great and I'll talk more about them when I get around to using any, but better than that is that Jeb brought money to the house! That popup is misrepresenting the loot. Marrying Jeb actually got us in the neighborhood of $20,000. Not bad at all!

Let's look at Jeb's stats, now that we can. His lifetime want is to top the medical career, which is convenient since he's already in that field.

His favorite food is spaghetti and his favorite color is green and his favorite music involves microphones of some sort. Whatever.

The fifth trait that we hadn't revealed yet turns out to be Genius. That's nice; it means he will learn quickly.

The bad news is the age bar, which is halfway between Adult and Elder already. Sally is still early in her Young Adult period, so that's a big gap. I'm sure these two crazy kids can make it work, though. Jeb seems like a great Sim in all other ways.

While the happy couple is still kissing I put Jeb's money to good use and put some walls on the house. About time, too!

Now that I have direct control over both of them, woohoo can proceed without anybody trying to get out of it by going to sleep instead.

A cute touch that's new to this sequel is the hearts that float over the bed during woohoo come to rest on the bedspread for a little while after like flower petals. Is it silly that I like that?

Another new feature: In the old game after woohoo (if they were sleepy) your Sims would just curl up and go to sleep. In this game they lie bed in their "relax" positions until you give them orders to sleep instead. I wondered what the point of this was at first, until just now. This attempt to get Sally pregnant was unsuccessful and I don't want to wait a week to get another chance at it. Now instead of waking them up to try again, I can just give them the orders right away.

It took three tries in all, but Sally is now pregnant. Who will the new heir be? We shall see. Eventually.

Take care.

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