Wednesday, September 26, 2007

King's Dominion 2007: Part 7

Last time on King's Dominion 2007: I got thirsty.

I started wandering again. I found this ride based on some movie that I don't think anybody remembers.

It's the Italian Job roller coaster! I couldn't see the whole ride but as far as I could tell, one of the gimmicks is that you burst through this 'poster' somewhere near the end.

I think part of the reason why this ride attracted me was because I found some shade while gawking at it. I actually thought about getting on the ride, but didn't when I couldn't tell how the whole ride went. Not that I wanted to be in this line.

Here's the cars they use for this roller coaster. Too bad I couldn't get them while they burst out, but I wasn't going to wait for that to happen.

Still hungry, I took a picture at the place where I thought I was going to finally eat. I like the Tomb Raider series so it seemed natural that I was going to do something Tomb Raidery.

Wow, it even has cold beverages! Still, as I got close to the door I saw how crowded it looked, and decided to go elsewhere.

At this poin I was just plain lost. Here's a sign next to the picnic area.

Yep, they have schedules for each picnic area. And that's about all I know about this place.

I think I was holding the camera above the fence here.

Now where the heck am I? Hello, food? Stomach?

Getting dizzy from not eating!

Hey, is this where I think it is? Specifically, that house in the background.

FOOOOOOOD! I need fooooooooood!

Hey, this IS where I think it is! These last five pictures show that I'm in the line for the White Water Canyon! Cool! That doesn't solve my hunger problem, but I'm going to go on the coolest ride in the world!

It's a little blurry, but the sign isn't kidding about how soaked you can get.

I should have gotten a picture of the fence that bordered both sides of the line. Graffiti City. I was surprise that most of the graffiti that I saw was from this year.

While in line, I was behind some college students who claimed to be from California. Bored, I started listening to their conversations. There wasn't much else to do for about 20 or so minutes.

From a distance we can see the rafts or big boat on a tire or whatever you call the things you get on to ride through the White Water Canyon. About five or six people strap themselves in and there's a wheel in the middle for no reason. You don't have to hold onto it and people unfamiliar to the ride assume they can steer with it. I'm sure I gushed about the ride before so I'll just move on after a couple more memories.

I got on a raft with some people who weren't the California college kids. They were behind me. Good bye girls that sorta entertained me when the graffiti turned out to be boring!

The ride was as I remembered it, except I forgot how wet you can get from just going down suddenly steep turns. I had remembered this as being a relatively dry ride until the end where you go indoors. There the raft can go under the walls that occasionally had water pouring like a waterfall, but this time it wasn't a problem. I mostly got wet from a couple quick down turns and a well-timed geyser. At least our group didn't get it as bad as the college girls after us. Haw!

Afterwards, I went to the bathroom to dry my socks.

FOOD! I finally found a place to eat after the White Water Canyon. This place wasn't so far from where I just was. I got in line and ordered a bacon cheeseburger, fries, and a drink. Unfortunately for me, my order took about as long as the line for the White Water Canyon took. Just my luck. I also got a King's Dominion plastic souvenier cup, but declined to buy the free refill wristband.

I wish I had remembered to take this picture before I took a bite. This is a bit gross.

While I was eating I saw a really pregnant woman who was really ticked off at her two sons who were goofing off while she was trying to eat.

Where should I go now? I've already checked the White Water Canyon and the log flume ride off my list, and I'm no longer hungry. Even better, the clouds were finally starting to have some luck against the sun. My choice was now clear.

It's time to ascend the Eiffel Tower!

Next time:

Will I ascend the Eiffel Tower?
Will I take a million pictures just to artificially inflate my post count?
Will I wimp out? Will I drop my camera, accidentally killing someone? I hope not.

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