Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Tork's Blog Person of the Year for 2007!

And the winner is.....Tad Tadlock!


Runner up: Elizabeth Hasslebeck whose actions caused the banishing of an illerate bully from daytime television (and the discussions of a lot of blogs.)


wurwolf said...


Tork said...

She's a relative of the Seattle Seahawk's QB and she's on some show called The View. It's a show that appeals to certain women and certain bloggers.

Clay and Sand said...

hoho---you spelled illiterate wrong. that's rich. would you now like to try to spell "ironic"?

Clay and Sand said...

hoho---you spelled illiterate wrong. that's rich. would you now like to try to spell "ironic"?

Clay and Sand said...

hoho---you spelled illiterate wrong. that's rich. would you now like to try to spell "ironic"?

Tork said...

Thanks for pointing out the error five years later. I think I was just distracted by the cute picture.