Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Yeah, yeah...

This blog is almost a year old now. On January 15th of last year I registered for the blog because I was worried that "Tork_110" was going to be taken at some poin. Seems like a silly thing to worry about, but I wasn't going to let some Tork-wannabe take it.

I was prepared to make the blog mostly about video games, but a stray comment from a friend caused me to go in another direction. That's the "post something, anything once a day" direction. That's what you got for the first few months. I eventually invented a few features so I could make it through the week. I haven't made fun of C64 demos in a long time and I haven't written any essays in a while, which is too bad because I enjoyed those, even if they were one joke repeated over and over.

Unfortunately I seemed to burn out in May, and by June one of my worst traits took over. My laziness prevented me from coming up with anything new. June was a dark time for this blog, as you can see since I only did 10 updates that month. I started an idea that should have filled space but has had surprisingly few results, and my attempt at a wacky movie idea in a throwaway post had already been done. I hate that latter post, but I don't want to delete anything.

In July I made a bit of a comeback, thanks to Lita. Her idea was simple, but it gave me something to do for an entire month. I revisited the idea of doing something a day during December, and these were the best two months I had since April.

In the months between I did better than June, but there were a few false starts. In August I had an idea for a sports-themed webcomic, but I wisely abandoned it. I also gave the best possible review anyone could have given for the new site, and I'll never live that one down. Oh well. On the plus side, I took one single trip to King's Dominion and stretched it out for two months worth of material. Too bad it isn't open now or I could reach March with no lack of posts.

I'm going to miss 2007. I thought it was awful for the first several months, but that was mostly because of constant political debates. Thanks to the internet, the media is omni-present so hearing about debate after debate was soul-crushing. But sometime around September I started enjoying the year. I think by than the media mellowed out a bit. Too bad this is an election year and I'll be back to gritting my teeth very soon. Can I freeze myself for several years?

Let's hope that 2008 is kind to us, and let's hope that I don't get lazy when it comes to updating this blog. You know, lazy like I've been for the last few days? Let's hope that doesn't happen to often.

Don't forget to pick up those tacky 2008 sunglasses. There's only a few more times where those glasses will work. Unless you're missing an eye. See ya!

1 comment:

wurwolf said...

Good times! /me sheds a tear

It's good you registered Tork_110 when you did, T-Dog. I tried to register wurwolf for a blog not too long ago and was shut out! I was so outraged.

Here are some of my favorite Torrk's blog moments:

• The time someone flamed me in the comments section for taking you to task over your grammar and/or spelling.

• Black History Month, where you make up a bunch of nonsense and pass it off as fact.

• Irish History Month, where every person you write an essay about is falling-down drunk. (I think this one was my personal favorite.)

• Lita has you review music videos, which was awesome because even you must admit you don't know much about music. It would be like me reviewing a video game every day.