Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Webcomic Review: 1/0

One Over Zero, also known as 1/0 or Undefined is an interesting webcomic I discovered after someone posted a link to it at the Jabootu forums.

This is a chomic where various characters are created either by stealing from other webcomics or from other characters. The unseen author often speaks with his characters. While this happens in a ton of webcomics, the author tends to have more philosophical discussions as opposed to cheap jokes about not being able to draw. The fourth wall and religion are often discussed. There are 1000 comics in total, and there is a definite end.

The Good

The early comics are the best part, because at that time the author focused more on jokey comics. He even had a character called The Running Gag.

The early comics also had an amusing idea where new characters were created out of old ones. Observe.

Again, early on a main character named Junior was so sure that he was trapped in an elevator with an old Arab woman.

At one poin, everyone goes on strike, and the author is forced to make several comics where nothing happens. I should accuse him of being lazy but it is amusing to see characters stare at you vacantly for several strips.

The ending is very satisfying. This is good because since there is no fourth wall, the characters are well aware that they only have X comics left to go.

The Bad

Not necessarily bad, but the turning poin of the comic is when one of the characters can no longer see beyond the four walls. At this poin he and the son he later creates becomes atheists and believe that any one who believe in the fourth wall and the author need to be converted. Or deconverted, whatever. Again, this is not bad per se, and it does make the comic unique, but this character's fight with another one tend to bog things down. I still preferred the comic when it was funny instead of interesting.

The Ugly

Jar breeze! Also, wait till you see what they live on.

The Rest

The comic periodically has rain fall, which I find neat.

My favorite characters are Junior the eyeball, Petitus the gloomy mud thing, and Terra the sorta lesbian earthworm.

The rampage towards the end of the comic was genuinely shocking.


This is the first webcomic I reviewed which isn't video game related, so maybe my readers can actually give it a shot.

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