Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Hello all you peeps out there in Tork's Blog Land!

My name is Rimmi. Two of you may know me from my mosaic blog.

My mosaic blog has taken a hiatus until I can get my digital camera to work. Here is a story that may end up on my mosaic blog soon enough if things go as I fear they might.

My mother broke the toilet. She was lifting the lid off the back of the tank and it slipped from her fingers. It went into the tank, smashed through the bottom of the tank and flooded the bathroom. We can no longer use that toilet. It will have to come out and a brand new one will have to be put in soon. I hope it comes soon. I hate going downstairs and using dad's bathroom. I have to hope our elderly cat, Arthur, hasn't used the kitchen floor as a toilet and I have to battle the germs dad has left behind in his bathroom. Men are messy people!

So what does this have to do with mosaics? Back on my blog I mentioned meeting a mosaic artist in Provincetown. He had his left over glass scattered all over a parking lot in front of a bakery. It was a gorgeous sight to behold. A bit of wisdom that he imparted on my was that toilet glass is the best and sturdiest glass he's ever used. He looks at an old, used toilet as a gift.

I think this is my new challenge. I will take that toilet, smash it to pieces and make something beautiful out of it. Several something beautifuls. There's a lot of toilet to go around!

Stay tuned! Read my blog!


The Mickey said...

I blame Tank. What was she doing in your house, anyway?

PM said...

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When life gives you broken toilets, make toilet mosaics! :oD