Saturday, July 19, 2008

Music Video #49 (Day 19 of 2008)

This will be the most unique entry in this series EVER! For you see, not only have I heard this song before...I've also seen the video! Ok, I've only seen the shorten version so a little is new, but otherwise I already knew what the video was about. So there. Today's video is Three Little Pigs, by Green Jelly. This song was included on this CD that I own, and I saw the video last year.

For anybody who hasn't seen the video, it's a silly metal version of the Three Little Pigs. We start with a swirly intro and a book of fairy tales shows up. The singer tells us to sit back while he tells us a story about the pigs and a BIG BAAD WOLF! We get several pig butt shots when he says tail.

We go from the book to a claymation anthropomorphic wolf. It looks down at itself and sees that it's wearing a jacket and jeans. THIS AIN'T YOUR GRANDFATHER'S Three Little Pigs! To prove that, the wolf puts on sunglasses and flashes a winning smile. He starts to play the guitar as we get our first lyrics.

Pig number one is a hick who lives on a farm. He wears a green cap and a chin that screams yokel. Pig rides around on a tractor but wants to break free from the country. He buys a guitar and moves to Hollywood to make a name for himself. Somehow, he avoids falling into prostitution but he does fail. He builds a straw house on a street with lots of pornography stores and such and is soon attacked by the wolf.

We get the standard wolf attack set to heavy metal. Pigs have very squeaky voices. They're the only part of the song not narrated by the singer. These parts are the highlight of the song as the singer repeats the wolf's lines over and over again getting louder as he goes. In the video the wolf actually bursts into the room before destroying the house. After the house is destroyed the wolf does a solo, which includes a bit where the Big Bad Wolf looks like he's...never mind.

Our second pig is a slacker. In fact, the video informs us that he's a marijuana head. The pig is lying on the beach next to a Jamaican flag towel. Is there anything else that island is known for? He makes his income from religious preaching. Sigh. Instead of sticks he makes his house of trash. He hangs out with the hick pig and does druggie stuff. The wolf pulls up in a motorcycle to attack. The same thing happens to these two pigs and the wolf smokes a giant cigarette when he's done. I think it's a cigarette.

The third pig has a The Brain size noggin and is a grade A student. Not only that, but his dad is a rock star named Pig Nugent who has several gold records. Third pig got a master degree in engineering and built an odd three story building where each floor is jutting out in a different direction. Look pig, just because you can... It's a tri-level mansion that his father paid for. I'm now envious of a gumby-like character.

Wolf attacks, but the attack fails. The pig respond by calling the police. And by police, I somehow mean Rambo. Rambo shoots the wolf several times and we get a quick shot of some live show which was probably taken when Green Jelly did this to a crowd. I'm guessing. We get a story book picture of the pigs looking over the wolf. The song ends by noting that if you listen hard enough, you can still hear the wolf attacking the pigs. Cue chorus. Actually, the song ends with this:

A band with no talent can easily amuse
idiots, with a stupid, puppet show.

I'd be insulted, but they used claymation, so who's stupid now?

I love this song. Heavy metal and drug jokes aren't my thing, but this is still a great, fun song. The video was great too.

The awesome thing is some of the lyrics, especially the part that goes like this:

Then one day he was cranking out Bob Marley,
and along came the Wolf on his big bad Harley.

If only I was half as clever I could have a better blog.


Lita said...

I have to admit I'm disappoined you've heard this before.

"...the video informs us that he's a marijuana head."

Marijuana head? You are such a little old man.

"I think it's a cigarette."

It's not a cigarette.

Your next song was going to be this:
It's some CRMFer song suggested by BOG. I don't know, I think he was kidding. I hope he was kidding. I can't get through it. And since the premise of this thing is that I'm giving you songs I happen to like, I can't make you do this one. Watch it if you want, but your actual song for tomorrow is this one:

Tork said...

Everybody says pothead. Can't I try something different?

Lita said...

Sure, if you don't mind sounding like you're 800 years old.

Anonymous said...

Damn! You beat me to it, Lita. I was going to make fun of Torrk for "marijuana head", too.

I was so excited when I saw that this was the video you'd be watching. I have fond memories of it. I don't know exactly when it came out, but I do remember being home with Amy when she was an infant (that was in 1993) and seeing this video. It wasn't until the intranets and YouTube came along that I was able to see it again.

Tork said...

Don't you like mature guys?

Lita said...

There's mature and then there's desiccated.

And from what I've heard, wurwolf likes younger guys.

wurwolf said...

Only younger guys who don't sound like my granddad.

Tork said...

I can't think of a good comeback. Give me a few days.

wurwolf said...

Don't wait too long, old man.

The Mickey said...

Will you three quiet down? I'm trying to get some sleep!