Monday, July 14, 2008

Sunday, Lazy Sunday

I've talked about this before, but I just watched part of a video gaming marathon. Instead of college students killing themselves to beat a bunch of games in a series, they're doing that while raising money for a charity. It seems far less pathetic this way. I watched a Mega Man marathon, and I had fun ragging on the awful Mega Man X6. I only wished I stayed for the earlier games.

There's plans for more marathons here. I find this an exciting idea and I would love to do one myself. Sadly I don't have enough friends. Or computer equipment. Or the personality to keep people entertained. Or video game skill,if I must be honest. Too bad, because an EarthBound marathon with my friends would rock. For charity!

I watched the first episode of Incognito Cinema Warrior XP this week. I was hoping to do a full review but I don't think I can. In short, it's a fan made version of MST3k only the Mike is a Resident Evil based character who is a loan survivor of a zombie holocaust. He ducks into a weird movie theater and meets two robots. Their creator is hiding somewhere in the theater and is really wacky. The Dr. decides to rip of f Dr. Forrester by sending bad movies to the our trio. They can either avoid the movie and die by zombies or riff on it like anybody would.

The pilot movie is Bride of the Gorilla, which I would describe but not much happens. Raymond Burr looks bored the whole movie. He causes the death of some guy by punching him and letting a snake bite his victim. A gypsy or something curses him, and he.... never turns into a gorilla. But he does marry the widow. Seriously, there's very little gorilla in this movie.

The good thing about the show is that besides the movie, they riff on a trailer and a old theater commercial. If they ever brought back MST3k, I'd love to see them riff on stuff like that. They wouldn't have to worry about time constraints if they did it online. I also like how they introduced the premise of the show during the first couple host segments. It reminds me of what the premise of MST3k would be like if it was explained on the air. (Maybe it was, but the first few KTMAs are still lost.)

The bad is the host segments humor-wise, which have canned laughter for some reason. Also, two of the trio don't have distinguishable voices, which is important, and they riff too fast. I know I complained about the riffing being too slow on CT, but those guys are pros. I expect them to be even funnier. I have not had the opportunity to get comfortable with these new guys and it hurts them. I was surprised that they got a few zingers off early in the movie, especially during the trailer, but they don't quite have the timing down yet. Also, it was hard to follow the movie with them riffing so often.

So, an interesting first effort. Hopefully with their next episode they'll fix their problems so their online show could be passable for a fan project.

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