Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Music Video #57 (Day 28 of 2008, Part 1?)

Sorry for this being so late. I was at Delaware on Sunday and Monday. By the time I got home Monday, I had a headache and the fright white screen was killing me, so I shrugged and put up my apology. I didn't even get to talk to Lita that night. Hopefully I'll be able to do a make up for the last couple days. Here's Sunday's video, which is Pork and Beans by Weezer. It's three and a half minutes of music.

This reminds me of the recent South Park episode where the various Internet memes killed each other. I should watch that whole episode some day.

The video starts with Weezer's guitar player in the upper left corner while the other 3/4ths of the screen is blacked out. Then as he starts playing a drummer and the lead singer appear in two other squares. It's like that movie that came out in the nineties. You know, that movie that was split into four screens? Real time, probably. An indie hit, probably. Time Code? I don't know, but it led me to guess that this video was made in the nineties when I first loaded this up. Not so, for the fourth square is filled with the Numa Numa guy. We're then assaulted by the sight of the dramatic chipmunk with one of the band member's face on it. Some Japanese school girls are upset by it. We then see a parody of some kid who does bad martial arts. I forget if he was also the Star Wars kid or not. We see some experiment where a bottle squirts in a kid's face, but I don't know what that refers to. Finally we see one of those silly G.I. Joe parodies. I'd like to thank PM for introducing me to those.

The singer sings about being in need of Rogaine and a diet. The singer is wearing expensive shades in an attempt to still be cool, especially to kids. It's obviously not working.

We get to the refrain as we see the band outside in front of several fountains. That looks like a lot of fun especially in the middle of the summer. We see one of the band members putting on a tshirt every second, a parody of the youtube videos of someone taking a photo of themselves once everyday. He never takes any shirts off so he appears huge at the end. Suddenly the lyrics sound different as the singer now doesn't give a damn what anybody thinks. He's going to do whatever he wants, including eating candy with pork and beans. We see the Star Wars kid parody followed by the "Leave Britney Alone!" guy. It probably really is him. We see the All Your Base game and the dumb Miss South Carolina contestant. Singer is still telling everybody to bugger off.

(Actually, I just reread the lyrics and the song is consistent. He says that people say he needs more hair and needs to ose any weight, but he doesn't care.)

The second verse starts as we see the Numa Numa kid singing to the lyrics. One of Weezer's band members walks up behind him. Our singer is now laying out a plan to reach the top. He's going to sing a bouncy, happy song and he'll do it after he talks to some guy who's really good at writing songs like that. Singer is determined. We next see the guy who does the history of dances which I think is still the most watched video at youtube. Lita introduced me to that one. Then we get the Chocolate Rain guy, and once again I think they got the real kid to show up and not just the clips of him.

Refrain plays again and we see hands with several words all over the fingers. I haven't watched these videos but I know they ask for several replies. This is followed up by...hot women who also have words on them but they're wearing boxes on their head with holes to stuff letters in. This is the weirdest Laugh-In ever. Then they take their boxes off and we see that they've been swapped with two members of Weezer. Way to weird out your audience.

Stuff happens. We see a woman on her back kicking her feet in the air, but I'm not sure what she refers to. We see some buff guy beat up ninjas. Ninjas being a required Internet meme, of course. I don't see any pirates yet. Next up is one of the Weezer guys dressed as a little girl getting angry as she looks at a pair of shoes. I don't know what this one refers to either, but it looks like a generic Internet temper tantrum. We next go into a studio as the memes explode all over the place. The buff guy unmasks someone to find the banana gif. Lots of people do things. The song ends as the fountains stop.

This is an interesting song but it's overshadowed by the video. Even if you hate all the memes, and some of them annoy me, it's still fun to play Name That Meme. I did as you can see. The song isn't bad as a "screw all the haters" song. Now that I think about it, "screw all the haters" is one of the mottos of Internet celebrities, so it works on another level.

The awesome part about this video is that the title reminds me of an In Living Color sketch that I loved. But that doesn't really have to do with the video, so the second awesome thing is when the South Carolina gal pulls out a lightsabre. I wish I could do that after I had just humiliated myself.


The Mickey said...

Wow. Look at Lita going all 2008 on us. BTW, I think everyone's the real deal. And I think the fountains are actually mento bombs.

Y'know, I like this song, but I liked it a lot better when I first heard it and thought Rivers was going off on all those aging indie emo hipsters who keep writing blog posts just to whine about Weezer. I hate those people. Yeah, they can't make another Blue Album. Yeah...shutup. Than I found out it was about Weezer's label and I was like, eh.

I bet Onil's one of those aging indie emo hipsters. I hate you, Onil.

Lita said...

For a nerd, Tork sure is behind on his memes. Here's some he missed:

Shoes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCF3ywukQYA

Mentos and Diet Coke: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKoB0MHVBvM

Afro Ninja-- A stunt audition gone wrong: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtCRWBRiU6w

wurwolf said...

Why are you ragging on my husband, CJietyy? He's done nothing to you. All of his blog posts are whining about movies, not about Weezer.