Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Music Video #46 (Day 16 of 2008)

Today's video is out of this world! Yeah, I'm unimaginitive. It's Space Oddity by four time champ David Bowie. And guess what, we get five minutes of him.

My first reaction to watching this video was wondering "this was made in the 60s? I would have guessed early 80s." I know that this was around the time the counter-culture got big but David's look still seems out of place for the decade, no matter how late it was.

We start with a close up with one of those wavelength machines. I forget what they're called, but they're only used for physics class to try to teach about wavelengths. Or so I recall. I think it was called the glowing slinky machine.

We see Bowie and he has orange died hair and a feminine look. That's why I thought it was made in the eighties because that period had a brief androgynous fad. We get a look at his face and I have to clarify what I said. When I say feminine, I mean he's wearing makeup, because he'd otherwise be a very ugly looking transvestite. Moving along, David plays a guitar while singing generic space shuttle program phrases. In this case, it's "Ground control to Major Tom." Major Tom is told to get ready for liftoff. Then Major Tom is informed that the count down is about to start and he's wished good luck.

We see a switchboard and David sings through a countdown. I bet that people lost interest in the space program after they got tired of countless countdowns seen in movies. David poins to the sky to dramatically make his poin.

David reaches a higher octave when he sings about how Major Tom is already a hero. Product placements are already guaranteed. (Did that happen in real life? I'm curious now about what Buzz Aldrin put his name on, or if Armstrong did a commercial where he said "one small step.") Major Tom is told that he's about to take the first exciting step outside the capsule.

Major Tom finally gets something to say. He talks about what's it like to float around in space while the camera tries to simulate it. Space is like a wobbly web cam. The major notes how the stars look different and so does the earth. I would hope so giving how much taxpayer money went into this project! Could you imagine going into space and saying "Oh, just what I thought. This isn't a big deal."?

Then the video takes a strange and unnecessary turn. Major Tom starts to talk about how the spaceship know were to go. His last words to ground control is that he loves his wife. Ground control frantically tries to get Major Tom to respond, but David's body language says that this doesn't happen.

The song ends with Major Tom once again notices how he's alone in a space capsule not able to do anything. Why did this have to turn into Apollo 13? That hadn't even happened yet. Couldn't they have been all introspective without the tragedy?

I liked this song up to the ending. It's a nice song especially since it came out right after the first moon landing. Bowie still looks weird.

The awesome thing about this video is what I just noted. This song came out just around at the time where several more missions would send a shuttle to the moon. Bowie was at the right place at the right time and gave a memorable song.


wurwolf said...

That is because David Bowie is a god. He was far ahead of his time, which usually means that the person is doomed to utter failure, but Bowie was ahead of his time in a good way. You can call him a trend-setter but it was much more than that. It was like he could see into the future or something. I know I used the word genius to describe John McCrea of CAKE, but that was just goofing around. David Bowie is the real super genius.

Even today he's still doing cool stuff. We just watched The Prestige this past weekend and I'd forgotten that he was in it as Nikola Tesla. He was awesome in that movie.

My favorite part of the video (besides the low-tech DIY home video feel of it) is that the camera kept focusing on David Bowie's eyes to show that one is blue and the other is hazel. I was like, Okay, camera man, WE GET IT.

wurwolf said...

Actually, I take the different-colored eyes thing back. I went all nerd and looked him up on IMDB. According to them, both of his eyes are blue but one pupil is permanently dialated due to a fight, so it only looks like it's a different color.

The Mickey said...

Bowie played Tesla? So he did that unplugged version of Signs?

I can't picture Bowie in a hair band.....well, better than if he was in Trixter, I guess....

Permanantly dialated! WOOOOOO!!!!

Lita said...

My first experience with this song was when the DJ at the radio station I used to listen to in the mornings before school decided he was totally into this song and started playing it every single morning at the exact same time... pretty much right when I was waking up. So every morning I woke up to this song. It drove me a little crazy after a while.

Lots of time has passed since then, though, and I like the song now. Tork, you're right, Bowie looks very 80s in this video. Check out the Bowie video you watched earlier this month to see what he was actually up to in the 80's.

My favorite part of this video is where Bowie sings the lines "Ground Control to Major Tom, your circuit's dead, is there something wrong? Can you hear me Major Tom?" He's very nonchalant and smiling a little, and he even wags his finger at the camera in that Bowie kind of way he has. It looks less like Ground Control is horrified and fearful as they realize that they've lost one of their heroes to the coldness of space, and more like they're saying, "Oh, well. That's the last time we hire an astronaut off Craig's List."

I love it.


Lita said...

P.S. I loved The Prestige.