Thursday, April 19, 2007

April Non Specific History Month: April Showers

My essay is about Kevin Bacon. He is best known for the fact that he shares his name with a delicious meat product, but he has been able to come out from behind the shadow of this famous pizza topping.

Kevin grew up in Philadelphia where it sucks to live. He looked for any excuse to get away from this area and his annoying parents so he decided that acting would be a good career. He was the youngest actor ever admitted into New York's Circle In the Square Theatre. This place is known for its dull logo.

Kevin set really high goals for himself for his movie career. And they were instantly achieved when he starred in a small role in Animal House. Sadly, his career will never achieve a high poin like the zit scene, but he keeps on trying.

A couple years later Bacon made the most important film of his career, Friday The Thirteenth. This seminal movie launched many careers in the eighties and offered good morality tales as well. Kevin's character Jack, for example, showed us the importance of banning arrows. Sadly, this wise advice has been ignored. Kevin left the series after the first movie because he didn't want to get typecast despite the strength and depth of Jack.

Bacon's next role was Footloose. This was originally a working title for the next Friday the Thirteenth movie, but it was changed to hide the spoiler. When Bacon dropped out of that franchise, this movie was reworked to be about dancing. Jason was changed into the reverend that banned dancing in a small town. The movie contains a lot of annoying songs, including the title song that still contains the lyrics, "Everybody cut foot loose."

Kevin's career started taking off in the nineties. He first appeared in Tremors, a movie about giant worms. His character was a farmer who was in charge of finding really large leaves. Later Kevin starred in A Few Good Men. This was a movie about people who couldn't handle the truth. Coincidentally, Kevin was also in JFK.

In nineties Kevin shocked everybody by starring in every movie made during that decade. This was noticed by some college students who made up the Bacon game. You play this game by eating bacon everytime Kevin appears on screen.* For those who are wimpy there's a healthier Bacon game available.

In the later nineties Bacon appeared in Wild Things. This movie was a weird hybrid of two concepts that don't belong together. It was a prequel to his earlier film, She's Having a Baby. However, for some odd reason it was also a remake of Apocalypse Now, only with two women replacing the role of Captain Benjamin L. Willard. This movie didn't quite work but it featured a nude guy so women naturally loved it.

Everyone will agree that Kevin's greatest screen presence was in Hollow Man. Sadly, his body started to break down after making so many films, so he's only made about one film a year in the 00s, and none of them were any good.

In conclusion, everybody has a Bacon number of 13.

* These college students chose drugs over the other usual choices of alcohol and piracy.

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