Saturday, April 14, 2007

Demo Fun #10

Today I'm going to do something a little different. I'm just going to show pictures from five demos. That's because these demos only show a picture. Some of them have music in the background.

The first demo is called Jaws ESCOS and it was made by a group called Boys Without Brains. It simply features a picture of a guy.

The second is called Quicky. It's a picture of a tree. It's done by The Sarge and the background music sounds familiar. I believe I've heard it used in another demo I've talked about.

The third demo is called Robot Walk. It has some animation of a Robot walking. It's done by Flash Cracking Group. Somehow it was programmed in the early forties which makes it very impressive.

Here's where things get a little weird. This fourth demo is called Rasputin. I have no idea what it's about. It was done by the 1001 Crew in 1986.

Our final demo is called Zoo-Mix. Even though the picture says Zoolook. Whatever. It was made by Mjau in the eighties.

There you go. Next week I should do a regular demo. Good bye for now!

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