Friday, April 13, 2007

Tork Dream Watch 4/12

In order to understand this dream, you have to have seen Design for Dreaming. In case you haven't seen MST3k, Nuveena is the nickname given to the unnamed woman in this short. Her real name is Tad Tadlock and I have a crush on her.

So somehow I found myself in a mall, which I guess was suppose to be like the fake hotel in Design for Dreaming. Nuveena had led me there, and while she was leading me around I figured I could go along with it. I even thought about imitating a few of her subtle mannerisms early in the short.

Then suddenly, something was wrong with her white dress. Parts of it were falling off like pieces of tissue. No, it's not like I could see anything, and I don't think the dress was in trouble of falling apart or anything. Still, she was embarrassed, and suddenly she started running away. That's when I chased after her. She ran up an escalator, and I followed. At one poin I picked up a bit of the cloth.

On the second floor I eventually caught up to her. She got to an escalator leading down and just sat on the steps. I ran up to her and sat down next to her. We talked. Then the dream went somewhere else and I forget what happened next.

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