Sunday, April 1, 2007

Sunday, Lazy Sunday (4/1/07)

It's Palm Sunday. Do you know where your palms are?

I wonder if there was any mass today where they do the Passion of the Christ reading, and then they go "April's Fools!" at the end. I also wonder if there's any churches that were destroyed by lightning in the news today.

You know, I was about to set my DVR to record the Nationals opener tomorrow, but I just realize that they don't show Nats game in the area that I live in. I use to live in the DC area, but moved to the lower Baltimore area last year. This really sucks because not only will I not be able to watch these games, but they'll be even harder to follow then they use to be. If I watch Comcast Sports Channel (formerly Home Team Sports) and see the damn Orioles, I'm going to punch something. How much longer are the Nats going to be here until the new owners move to Vegas or something? Probably a year after the new stadium is built in DC. Come on, people! I should at least make an attempt to follow this team.

In related news, sucks. I shouldn't have to look up the Washington Post's TV guide.

I'm looking right now at a website called They're offering the ability to watch any out of town games for 14.95 a month. That's actually tempting, but I'll pass. I work during the afternoons when most games are played, and even if I could download games, it wouldn't be worth the effort. Heck, I'm a much bigger Redskin and Capitals fan and I don't even pay attention to their games as much as I used to.

It seems that the Nats slogan this year is "Pledge Your Alegiance." Hmm, it's not quite "Fear the Turtle!" but it may be that humorous in a few years.

It just occured to me that I could have tried out to be a pitcher for the Nats. Dang.

I almost didn't do this today, but what the heck!

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