Monday, April 2, 2007

This Week in Entertainment (4/2/07)

My pick of the week is this DVD set that includes the entire Ant and the Aardvark series. It's basically a Tom and Jerry style cartoon series where the aardvark has a vacuum-like snout. I used to watch all these Pink Panther cartoons on TNT as a kid.

Another set featuring cartoons that I used to watch as a kid is the Betty Boop set. It has 42 cartoons, so it's perfect for that big-headed cartoon fetish crowd!

That's it for DVDs.

In theaters is Ice Cube's "Are We Done Yet?" It's the movie series that dares to ask, "Wait, does this series really need to be a trilogy?"

Also in theaters will be the ridiculous looking Grindhouse. I have to say that the commercial with the woman launching a rocket with her leg weapon was enough for me. Bleck.

Christini Ricci is starring in Penelope, which is about a woman who hides her pig snout. What a career year for this actress!

For the Nintendo DS, Squaresoft-Enix is releasing some Chocobo game. Beware of Final Fantasy fanboys this week.

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