Monday, April 23, 2007

This Week in Entertainment (4/23/07)

I'm a big fan of Columbo, so this set of late eighties episodes is my Pick of the Week. The online consensus is that the movies aren't as good as the seventies episodes, but I'll still pick this up.

Thr3e is a movie that was described as a Christian Saw. Seriously. It was made by Fox's Christian movie department and is suppose to be hilariously bad.

60 Minutes is releasing it's report on one of the dumbest celebrity controversies in recent memory.

You had my interest for a second when you said "Modern Marvels - James Bond Gadgets", but then you immediately lost it with the cover that reminds me of Die Another Day.

I thought this dvd was more milking of a recent celebrity death, but then I remember that the names of Pamela Anderson and Anna Nicole Smith are mixed up in my mind.

Hey look. It's a movie called "Most Offensive Comedy Ever Made." And the dvd cover has some guy with a swastika on his shoulder. I bet the stuff they leave out of this movie is far more offensive then what they leave in.

This movie doesn't contain Joe Don Baker, so what's the poin?

There used to be a show called America's Funniest (Stupidest?) Criminals. We had a tape of that and the format was really funny. I think they brought it back once but the format was really different and not as funny. Anyway, I hope this DVD - "World's Most Stupid Criminals" - is something like it.

In video game news, Pokemon Diamond and Pearl is coming out for the DS this week. The only Pokemon game I own is Red, so I can only assume that it's just another artificial upgrade from whatever the last Pokemon game is. (My sister and I jumped in on the craze early, so I apologize for my role in the popularity of this franchise.)

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