Tuesday, November 17, 2009

This Week In Entertainment (11/17/09)

My Pick of the Week is the best movie to not have a plot or on-screen villian. It's Star Trek 11. I enjoyed this movie but I hope the next one has a little more substance.

Also out this week is another damn vampire movie. Let's just hope this fad fizzles out soon.

Speaking of things that should fizzle out, it's bad 3d animated movies. Like this one about aliens or something.

Just in case you never seen Gone With The Wind, here's another excuse to buy it. You have to, it's another five year anniversary!

Wow, they condensed an entire civilization into a DVD set?

I only mention this Bell Telephone Hour set because I know Tad Tadlock was on this series once. I will one day find that episode and talk about it to my bored friends. It will happen.

Because the first French Revolution was such a great idea.

On the Wii is Lego Indiana Jones 2. I loved the first Lego STar Wars game and liked the second, but I felt cold about the first Indiana Lego game. I think the series has worn out its welcome, and this one is just one movie plus various random bits from the other three.

Also Indiana Jones related is the SNES game about his Great Hits. I wished they used the VC to do more cross promotions.

The final Wii game is Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles. THIS IS WAY BETTER THAN RESIDENT EVIL 5!

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