Monday, November 23, 2009

The Bumblefudge Legacy: Generation 2: Chapter 8

Here I am, back again!

Tork mumbled something to me today about the new expansion pack that just came out for this game. I can't be bothered to remember what it's called. It's something to do with vacations or travel or something.

Anyway, he asked me if I were planning to buy it, and I have to say, no I'm not. I have no intention of ever sending my Sims off on vacation adventures in faraway lands. I just don't like doing it. Really, the only thing about the new EP that sounded remotely worth buying it for was the new basement functionality. You saw the weird convoluted way you have to make basements in this game; it's really dumb. This EP supposedly lets you build nifty basements with minimal effort.

Lucky for me and my bank account, EA saw fit to release the basement functionality in a free patch so that even vacation-hating jerks like me can still let our Sims live in holes in the ground. It's so sweet of them. It's almost enough to make me reward them for their generosity by buying the EP.

Not going to, though. I hate vacation packs. Maybe you'll get me with the next one, guys.

As for the patch, I haven't downloaded it yet. Funny enough, it's all full of bugs and can mess up your game. They released a patch for the patch like a day after the patch was released. I'm still doubtful. The main thing that's holding me back, though, is that Awesomemod isn't updated to work with it yet.

I'll get the patch soon. It's only a matter of time. I just want my favorite mods to work with it first.

On with the game!

So, I've been worried sick about Hero, right? It's weird, I know, but I sent him off without giving him a home, and I'm concerned he won't be able to find one. I feel so bad for just kicking Hero out on his ear. I liked that kid! I use my Super Computer mod to have wurwolf wire him some money, hoping this will help him in his house hunt.

Rambo ages into a toddler. It's sparkly, but uninteresting. Kind of like Twilight.

wurwolf is calling her boy, just to make sure he's all right and eating well and wearing clean underwear. She can't believe I made her son homeless either.

That is adorable. Toddlers are a pain in the ass to care for, but they are cute.

N-n-n... NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! *cry*

It's at this point that my worrying and hand-wringing increases tenfold.

She really is completely lousy at her job. It's even worse when you know, as I do, that that pile of trash is only there because she put it there herself. She's like the anti-maid.

I'm so sick with worry at this point that I make wurwolf invite the boy over for a nice hot meal. I'm so relieved he's ok, I'm not even put off by the flagrant finger-gunning. I'm desperate to do something for him, but the game won't let me look for a home for him without making him an active Sim, and he can't be an active Sim because he's homeless.

My frustration at this point is palpable.

Alastair's turn to get older!

I gave you a whole big picture instead of editing a time-lapse thing like I usually do with birthdays just because I like this picture so much. Everybody is hanging out and having a good time.

After more fretting, I resort to cheating Hero into a relationship. I give Hero a fiance in the hopes that he will take it upon himself to get married and move in with the new spouse. Sims do it all the time in Story Mode!

Here's something I didn't know until much later, though, the chosen fiance is homeless, too!

I don't even know how I did this. It wasn't intentional. After few days passed and no wedding and many frantic clicks through my Super Computer menu, suddenly I find Hero has moved back in.

House population is up to 7, and everything starts to move suuuuuuuuuuupeeeeeeeerrrrrrrr sssssssslllllllooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww......

This madness had to end and suddenly, almost accidentally, I had a way to end it.

Hero meets his fiance in a local park. They are in love, but since it's a cheaty kind of love, they have never really actually met. Pleasantries are exchanged.

So are rings and vows.

And some spit.

And now Hero is a married man.

And now my household is at the maximum 8 Sim capacity.

...and the game won't let me move Hero in with Judd. This is where I realized that Judd is homeless, and was likely marrying Hero for the same reason I was telling Hero to marry Judd.

I felt sad. Sad and frustrated. I clicked all over trying to find a solution. Hmm. Maybe those three dots by Bumblefudge on the left side?

AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Close it!!! Close it!!! Close it and never click those three dots ever again!!!

Finally I just have to give up and accept that this house now has 8 Sims in it.

Not for long, though.

As soon as I possibly can, I go back to the move screen and tell Hero and Judd to GTFO. I love them, but there is no room in this Inn.

I don't make the same mistake I made last time, though. This time I agree to make Hero my active Sim, so I can move him onto a lot personally and get him settled in. It's the only way I can be sure he's safe.

I admit, I cheated some money into the Bumblefudge bank account in order to make this possible, but not so much as to totally mess up the challenge with my main family group. Besides, (brace yourself for some rationalization here) the only reason I'm having this money problem anyway is because one of my mods makes it so that departing Sims only take a percentage of the cash the family has lying around. This mod is making it so that Hero only gets a few thousand simoleons to his name when he leaves, where the default would have let him leave with $20,000.

So here's the new couple, on their tiny new lot (the only one I could afford for them) with its beautiful view of the river.

Not to mention the beautiful view of the back of this billboard.

Since this isn't really my main family, I don't feel bad about cheating them a few more dollars so I can build them a lovely one-room shack to live in. I also get Judd a job. (Hero already has employment in the science career track.)

They have the means to let the Story run them now. I can switch back to the main family and stop worrying.

See you next time.

Take care.


Rimmi said...

If Hero and Judd have a kid you know you must name it Juno.

Lita said...


I totally would if they were active Sims, but since they're not, the Story gets to name any kids they have. Might make a good nickname, though.