Wednesday, November 25, 2009

This Week In Entertainment (11/25/09)

Remember when I used to do these Monday morning? Anyway...

Just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday, I'm making Alfred Hitchcock Presents Season 4 as My Pick of the Week.

Also out this week in theaters is Ninja Assassin. It appears to be like Kill Bill where it has NC17 violence but it gets an R rating because the MPAA is fickle.

Disney releases its latest princess film with The Princess and the Frog. I hope this movie is good but I hope the heroine tones down the Southern accent she has in the trailer. Also, it's nice to see the villian in the film making his first appearance since Goldeneye for the N64.

If this film doesn't have Maurice Lamarche it'll be such a rip off.

Back to DVD releases we have Santa Buddies. You know that franchise that started with the basketball dog? Yeah, that. If they don't have a modified version of Santa Baby, it'll be such a waste.

I don't care about this, but I can't pass up on any opportunity to poin out a Spike Lee Joint.

The Wii Virtual Console is actually descent this week. It offers the oringal Super Mario Kart, which is still the best Mario Kart game in my mind. Sure, the mode seven is outdated compared to later versions, but I still enjoy it's tracks more then the latter ones. The Virtual Console also offers A Boy and His Blob. I'm not a fan of the NES game but it's nice that it's out to promote the Wii version, which is a good game.

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